BNP 8 October 1998 - CONTENTS

Putting them back together again
The Army came and then left again
A day in the life of a Governor General
372 handshakes, countless smiles and a few speeches later ...
Business at sunset
Let's hope it's not the sunset of business
The Great 21C Conference
If you didn't make it or fell asleep, read about it here
The Future of Normandy
Terry Smith paints a glomy picture
Doreen George
Gerry McCarthy loves all things Borroloola, especially this lady
Padded Despatches from the Frontier
Jock's having a hard time
Ich mag das leben in Tennant Creek
Many cultures go into the making of a town
Spots, stripes and other things
The fashion parade was a feature of Desert Harmony
CD Review
Marilyn Manson is in the house this month
Peter Callinan tells us all about it
The Mining Hall of Fame
Joanna Seczkowski is at the helm now
Alcohol restrictions being reviewed
Dr Sherry Saggers explains where we're at
The days after Cyclone Tracy
Les Liddell tells a story that few have heard
Safety in numbers
Playgroups are for saving sanity
A little bit of gunplay
Spinifex has a few yarns left in him yet
Learn a bit, teach a bit
Life at the Pink Palace
Paul's bit and Gemma learns the joy of voting

Barkly News Pictorial is published by Artplan Graphics
128 Paterson Street, Tennant Creek 0860
P.O. Box 1110, Tennant Creek 0861
Telephone: 08 8962 2822 Facsimile: 08 8962 2884
Publisher: Paul Cockram, Editor: Gemma Buxton
Website Verstion: Sawittree Theerawatporn


another mag.
The army came, snooped about, looked menacing in a distant sort of way - and left. It was quite alarming to see heavily-armed soldiers patrolling the town nevertheless.
I suppose that it just shows how lucky we are that armed soldiers on street corners are unusual. In some countries the locals don't bat an eyelid until the rockets are actually falling.
The Town Council hosted the conference to get us into the twenty-first century. Pretty soon we'll be begging for all the hullabaloo to be over and let us resume having quiet, non-descript years again.
Desert Harmony came and went providing much entertainment to many people. The parades were great, the exhibitions worth a look and the live music at the dam, well, there are some among us who should hang on to those day jobs.
Anyone want to take bets on the train?