BNP #3 May 1998 - CONTENTS

The 1998 Go-Kart Grand Prix
Richard Dodd's done it again. A great success
Chickens in the Coop
Fresh eggs are coming our way
Bush Tucker
This month it's the bush potato
A short story by Robin Hardiman
Anzac Cove revisited
Chris Rothery and Kate Young visit the famous site
Vietnam Veterans are Heroes too
Chris Rothery tells us why

The Weather Man
Russell Gillibrand gets paid to let off balloons
CD Reviews
Ali McLay and Peter Davenport spin 'em
Portrait of an Artist
Larissa Hodges can still find time to paint
Interview with John Herron
The Minister was in town on HIPP business
Fun day at the Sewage Ponds
Bob Terilla showed us how it all works
Saving our Souls
Pastor Barry Olsen tells of his Repentance
The Meaning of Language
Sandra Nangali Morrison tells her story
The Dreamtime for Wirdin
Day Day Frank Jakamarra tells it to Jackie
Old Gold
Another yarn by the elusive Spinifex
Seeya SkillShare, hello Job Place
Same faces, new letterheads
The boss gets the last word

Barkly News Pictorial is published by Artplan Graphics
128 Paterson Street, Tennant Creek 0860
P.O. Box 1110, Tennant Creek 0861
Telephone: 08 8962 2822 Facsimile: 08 8962 2884
Publisher: Paul Cockram, Editor: Gemma Buxton
Website Version: Sawittree Theerawatporn


A MONTH comes around quickly when there is a lot happening.
The Tennant Creek Go-Kart Grand Prix has become a major drawcard for Tennant and we held the magazine back a few days so we could bring you the results in words and pictures.
Sales have been good here in town, Katherine and Alice Springs. As we forge better contacts with other places along the Track we'll be on the way to getting the Barkly covered.
There are good stories ahead in the coming months. The changes to the provision of unemployment benefits is going to have quite an impact on towns like ours. CDEP and 'Work for the Dole' schemes are going to be much more common and for some people they may even become mandatory.
Still, it's the enterprise schemes that have the best chance of long-term success, so we'll wait and see.
Paul Cockram

Caught at the Memo Club during the Grand Prix festivities were Graham Buxton and our own Editor Gemma Buxton with Emma Lowrey, the N.T.s entrant in the Miss Indy competition.