BNP #2 April 1998 - CONTENTS


Yakajirri - Bush Sultana
Solanum Centrale

Many people will already be familiar with this plant and its uses as a food but for those of you who are not the Bush Sultana is a low prickly shrub with soft grey green leaves and yellow and purple flowers.
The fruit of the plant, yakajirri, starts off green then turns yellow and dries to a brown shrivelled fruit that resembles a large sultana. You eat the fruit when it reaches the dried stage. In fact you can grind it up, mix it with water and roll it into a ball which will keep for quite a long time.
Yakajirri is a good source of food, good for flu and upset tummies although if you eat too many you may get diarrhoea and a headache. It is an especially good food for children who have gastro.
The fruit looks like a sultana and tastes like a sultana that has had some spices added. The plant is widespread and abundant growing on spinifex plains and in mulga country, with the fruit hanging on the plant for long periods of time.
Thanks to Regina Dickenson for this information.